Over the past decade and a half, Bill Sanders has provided essential leadership for the Elkridge Youth Organization (EYO). Bill was instrumental in re-establishing the EYO’s positive perception in the community when it was necessary to re-evaluate its leadership and direction in the early 2000s. Bill has contributed greatly to the success of the EYO Soccer program for the benefit of the players, parents, coaches, and young referees within the organization. EYO soccer has thrived under Bill's leadership. From 691 participants in 2005, Bill has grown the EYO soccer program to over 1,100 players in 2015. Over the past 10 years as the soccer league commissioner, Bill has touched the lives of over 10,000 players in eastern Howard County. Bill has been the recognized authority on the bylaws, policy and procedure, and administration for EYO. He is relied upon for his insight, wisdom, and sense of humor. Many have come and gone in EYO over the last decade, but Bill has been one constant that has kept the organization moving forward in a positive direction.

The Elkridge Youth Organization (EYO) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that was established in 1957. In 1975, Walter Brown saw a need for an organized sports league for girls and, with the help of his friends in the Elkridge Jaycees, organized a softball program to fill this need. Mr. Brown recruited players, coaches and umpires, and helped the program grow until there were at least four teams in several age groups. EYO is still very active today, offering softball, baseball, basketball, tennis and soccer for boys and girls. Mr. Brown continued to coach his girls for many years after they grew too old to play in the youth league. Mr. Brown has spent over 10 years volunteering for the youth organization and several more years volunteering for adult leagues. His program has helped many girls prepare for high school softball and obtain athletic scholarships for college.

Jim May has volunteered over 25 years with the Howard County Youth Program (HCYP). One of his greatest contributions to HCYP was establishing and directing girls fast pitch softball. Jim was the Commissioner of the HCYP Fast Pitch Program for 9 consecutive years and a member of the Board of Directors for 11 years. In 1995, Jim took a fast pitch team to the National Tournament, where they finished 9th in the country. Fast pitch teams have spread throughout the county thanks to Jim’s efforts, and have helped girls take their softball careers beyond high school and into college. His tireless dedication and inspirational leadership has opened the door for hundreds of girls to excel and succeed.

Craig Proffen starting coaching youth soccer in 1987 through 1998. During that time frame, he took State Coaching Licensing courses and successfully became licensed as a National C Coach. In 1994, Craig developed a Junior Referee Program to provide youth referees for matches that gained state and national recognition. In 2001, he became a USSF Instructor and started teaching three to four courses a year, licensing 200-250 new referees per year to serve games in Howard County and the State of Maryland. He is currently the USSF Regional Instructional Coordinator for Howard County and coordinates all referee instruction in Howard County. Craig has volunteered over thirty years of his time in Howard County and has provided invaluable leadership and dedication to sports and refereeing to the county.